News nº 4
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There exist two readings about the reality:

The first and the one that more reliable seems, is the offered by the press, the radio and the TV daily. They are secures, institutional and “guaranteed” wherewithal, to be in the world; without shades, conspiracies or some reason for the suspicion or the restlessness. This reading gives back a familiar, quotidian, “democratic” Universe to us.

The other reality reading, wakes up us to another reality. We are being manipulated by the information and exists “an hidden” reality behind the great headlines, almost always ”denied” by the authorities.

“Technotronique Era is gradually designing a society more and more controlled. That society will be dominated by an elite of people free, with traditional values, which they will not doubt in making his objectives by means of debugged techniques with which they will influence in the behavior of the town, and will control and watch detail to the society yet, until the point in which it will arrive if possible to establish an almost permanent monitoring on each one of the citizens of the planet” (extracted from the work “The Technotronique Era”, of Zbigniew Brezinsky, main consultant of Rockefeller´s Group and creator of the New World order).

Before such dilemma, perhaps the recommendation would be to follow the Heart way.

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Carotinoid Complex

Colors from Nature: CAROTENOIDS

The carotenoid ones are, aside from the chlorophyll and the flavonoids, the colors of the nature. They are the people in charge of the red, orange, green jaundice and of the fruits colors, and also vegetables, and we cannot produce them in our body; we must take them from the outside. During the past few years we have been discovering the importance of these molecules for the human health. It has been verified, also, that the present fruits and vegetables do not contribute the accepted carotenoids amounts and, although the governments advise to consume 200grs. of vegetables and 200 grs. from fruit daily, much people do not reach this amount. An investigation has revealed that the people with a low vitamin C ingestion and with low serum carotene levels, run an high risk of suffering degenerative heart diseases, sanguineous irrigation and cancer. Natural carotenoids like the lycopen, lutein, zeaxantin, alpha carotene and beta carotene; they have given positive results in the prevention of degenerative diseases. The natural beta carotene is better than synthetic form and is useful in prevention of the cancer and degenerative diseases.

The carotenoid ones mainly are in vegetables and plants with strong colors like citruses, tomatos, cutters, peppers, rose hips, pineapples and flowers. Also w...

Illustrious appointments:

Policy is the art to look for problems, find them, make a false diagnosis and later to apply the mistaken remedies.

Groucho Marx

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Comments & collaborations:

BAKING THE FROG SLOWLY: Threatened Worldwide health.

Do you have heard the urban legend of the dipper and the frog? This is the History : if you put a frog in cold water and elevate the temperature slowly, the frog will not feel the temperature exchange and it will be baked lives. If you put it in hot water, the frog will jump immediately outside the dipper. It is the best analogy than it is happened to us, to explain the threat that threats to the natural health care methods.

Watch the Codex, for example. Some spreading and disinformation campaigns, assume that catastrophic exchanges will take place immediately, with the risk that Codex implementation makes disappear all ecological and dietary supplements and foods in the near future. This point of view does not adjust to our analysis. The Codex directives about vitamins and minerals, for example, will not be ratified until around 2013, and can pass more time before the countries impose laws based on these directives. This gives the national governments, manufacturers and consumers at least other seven years to adjust to a regimen of low doses in which vitamin C will not be available to doses superior to 300 mg. and the B6 will be limited to the ridiculous 10 mg. This is the plan.

Of course, we can not to stay simply indifferent in front of this and accepting the situation. This year ...


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